BS Computer science |
University of the Philippines Los Baños
Recipe with Inventory Sytem (2022)
Programming Language: Python
Description: A recipe book were you can add stock and execute dishes
Blooms&&Bees (2023)
Programming Language: CSS, java
Description: A game where the bee is the main character. To obtain points, the bee must collect blooms while dodging its enemies
Meal Planner && Numerical Analysis (2023)
Programming Language: R
Description: A program that solve numerical analysis problems at the same time a diet solver for your meal plan
I am an individual that is new to
the field of software engineering
with an interest in discovering
more about the potential
benefits it brings to society. I
take a great interest in
cybersecurity as someone that
seeks protection for my data
and information. I am, however,
not closing the doors to knowing
other fields of computer science.
I also wanted to obtain
professional experience while
expanding my knowledge and
skills in the process.